Who Am I

I was born in the heart of winter and have always been looking for warmth. I want to find it where nobody suspects it, where it hides. This is why I cultivate the most beautiful flowers in my garden: Scrittura e la Writing and the Meditative practice.

My Story

Once upon a time... the Buddha

Once upon a time there was the Buddha : this is how my favourite story begins, a story that changed my whole life. At the age of eighteen, I set off on a journey in search of myself. Slowly I realized I was walking around with knives, with arrows, armed from head to toe, following my footsteps and ready to defend myself from the shadows. I was saved by setting foot in a Buddhist monastery, where I immersed myself for a year. All my trappings tinkled in the magnificent silence. I re-emerged with only one intention: to storytell the beauty of going Beyond.
